Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We see advertisements EVERYWHERE, on our phones, tvs, trucks, buses, mail, blah blah. We see them everywhere. How annoying are they really? 

(Physical aspect) 
+Fashionsquad.com +Female Fitness Models +Self Esteem Network 

You know when you have that day and your feeling so down. Bloated, fat whatever you are feeling. And your bumming out sitting in front of the tv and there it is. The wonderful Victoria Secret commercial, or you get up check the mail and boom there it is that Victoria Secret Catalog. +Victorias Secret Angels.

Even for the little girls watching Justin Bieber. What does this show them, hes drooling over this pretty girl with this perfect body.

I mean don't get me wrong I'm not "hating on them" I wish i could get my body to look like that. 

You know when I'm forced to watch football or baseball and the commercial comes on and I'm awkwardly sitting next to my boyfriend wondering whats going on in his head. 

So what do you do? Change the channel, throw out the magazine? Cry, hope, dream, wish? 

Then you have the other side, the people who go all crazy who love this. Girls who obsess over it. Who cant wait for the VS fashion show. What side do you take?

Personally I don't get offended or upset over this. Take it as a challenge or as a goal. We all know that we aren't one of them. But who says you cant get your butt up and try to get into the best shape you can so you can walk around and feel sexy in your own skin?

(Emotional Aspect) 
+Depression Treatment+Help for Depression +Anxiety.org +Zoloft Lawsuit  

Now throw your self back on that couch. You had a bad day at work/school. Got into a fight with someone, argument nothing to extreme but it ruined your day. You feel sad? Don't worry the best ads on tv will help you self diagnose. WE all see those ads. And what do they say. Feeling sad? Depressed? On the verge of crying. Go talk to your Dr. about ____. So what do you do .. you see this.. think hey i have those symptoms I'm depressed i should go talk to my Dr. You make an appointment you wait for that appointment his entire time your waiting you have it in your head that you must be depressed. You also remember that one line. May increase suicidal thoughts. You never had these thoughts and all of a sudden they are in your head. Now what.. worried about these thoughts? You sit and think. Am i really suicidal ... and the topic just goes on and on in your head. 
Had to throw this in for a joke.. lighten the mood


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