Thursday, February 28, 2013

Who cares?

You ever want that heart warming feeling? That hug that takes away your pain? That message that lets you know you are not alone. Some reassurance that everything is going to be okay? 

Instead your stuck alone, sad, eyes full of tears and you just sit there and wonder why.. why you?

That is me. I really feel so alone right now. I don't have any family to turn too. I don't have family. I have been on my own since I was 17. Lived alone. I see my friends they all have family to turn to. Not me. My family didn't want me. So they left me. ALONE.

Does prayers really make you feel better? If someone could put me in theirs. Id appreciate it.

Been awhile

Lets begin with what has been going on...

1) Im officially UNEMPLOYED and miserable. I was laid off thanks to this economy. If I was depressed before this... I have officially hit rock bottom. I have been applying EVERYWHERE and literally i haven't heard back or I got the "we are currently on a hiring freeze." I can't deal I'm starting to panic. I have savings but its been about 5 weeks so far and all money is going to rent, food, bills...

2) I have been on a smoothie diet. Lost 17 pounds in 2 months. Make sure my protein is in there. Its a lot cheaper and quicker then sitting there and making a full meal. Plus since I'm in such a financial crisis this is all i'm left with. I wonder what its like to never have to work a day in your life. 

3) This weather is making me even more depressed. Its always rainy, cloudy, snowy, cold. SUCKS
Hurricane Sandy, Snowstorm Nemo, I barely see the sun EVER. So upsetting. 

4) My heart is breaking. The person i love the most is the one who hurts me the most. I know he lies to me i know that theres a lot of things he isnt telling me. We are falling apart but yet neither of us say anything to change it. He has me last on his list and i believe that is the problem. I would drop what i'm doing and run to him if he wants to do something. Him on the other hand.. Friends first, then work, and then his nonsense then me. If he has time for me then he will call. I need some advice on this!!

I need some boosters. Please send me some feedback, advice, positive energy, and a smile!!! 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dating Sites!!??!

OK so everyone must have heard of the show +MTV Catfish right? I take it that most of these "daters" are being played by someone pretending to be someone else. But yet there is always tons of commercials on TV for more dating sites. Now they go by race AND religion.. come on now.  

+BlackPeopleMeet Brand 

All these sites... how can you tell if people are real ... OR FAKE..

We all know someone who made a fake +Facebook+ /+Myspace /+AOL   to either try to talk to someone or cover up who they are and pretend to be their alter ego... or just who they wish they could be. They steal pictures from all over the Internet. And go hard and keeping these fake profiles going. 

But what happens when people fall in love with these online profiles?

Someone explain to me how these relationships work and why are they better than meeting people in person and coffee shops and parties and bars and such? Do these sights really work. Are they really successful? Do people meet the person they are looking for? 

I for one like the old fashion way of meeting people. NOT ONLINE. And i grew up in this computer age. I cant even handle having +Facebook+ friends that i no longer speak to on my profile. +Twitter  .. cant handle random strangers following me. Whats the point? You don't really know if these people are real. Plus do you reallllly want someone knowing what your doing all day long?

Friday, January 4, 2013


My favorite topic Religion. 
Somewhere in our family history we all had one. A lot of people still do. Me however, i strongly believe it is what separates/divides people. And its true. Lets start small. 

Places of worship:  You go to school with lots of different people. And you make lots of friends with different backgrounds. Your Jewish your friends are Christian And Muslim. You all go to religion classes. BUT because of different religions you go to a synagog, i go to a church and the other goes to a mosque. You basically learn the same thing in each place. There is certain aspects of each religion that are "different". 

Is religion a good thing? Many debate this issue, because there are good and bad ideas that come from religion, so it depends on what area people are thinking about. But I would like to say that in general, I believe religion is highly detrimental to our society. My grandfather once implied that I should leave this issue alone. Believing in God makes people happy and why take that away from them? I'm all for happiness, but at what cost? 
It seems to me that religion separates people from each other and causes rifts. When you think about how people in general don't talk about religion with each other in fear of judgement, there is something wrong with that. I think that if everyone believed in one religion, then these problems wouldn't exist, but humankind is funny in that people like to choose their own path. The Christians tried to convert everyone, but failed. If God is so strong, why did he not allow the Christians to convert everyone? 

The problem is that each religion judges others who do not follow what they believe. If you say you don't, you're not exploring this deep enough. I even judge people who are religious, because I feel they judge me and because I think it's a bad idea to believe in God. 

If we want to bring people together to make our world a better place, then we need to start thinking that we are all equal, period. Everyone has faults and everyone has strengths and when you put it all together, overall we are equal. No one is "better" or "worse" than another person. People say this, but I don't think most people in the world really feel this in their hearts. 

If we want to bring people together to make our world a better place, then religious doctrine must say that it is okay not to believe in God and that good people who don't believe in God will go to heaven, but this is not going to happen and the alienation will continue. Religious doctrine can't change, so people need to stop believing in it. The whole premise is horrible and ugly and wrong. Religion, to those who believe, is like the most beautiful picture in the world that surrounds you. You love to look at it and it makes you feel good and you invite others who believe in what you do, into it and you enjoy it. But it's not real and you don't like to talk to others who don't believe in it, because they may make the picture go away. But guess what? The real world is beautiful too and you would be amazed at how wonderful it feels to be in the real world. How do you think it would make you feel if everyone got along and we could go around talking to everyone without feeling so separated? 
I would like to invite you to take a few minutes to envision what the world would be like without religion, taking into account that there really is no God and that non-profit organizations would still help the poor without religion. How would people interact with each other? Would there be less fear of judgement? Would there be more acceptance and love? Would there be more community centers that people could use to help each other and more people who spend less time preaching and more time helping each other and the Earth? 

I think there needs to be a revolution within everyone's soul. We need to think more about what is true and good and really think about how we can change ourselves so that our society will be a better place to live. I see lots of wonderful people out there with good hearts and I just don't think everyone realizes how much better our society can be with less judgement. I would like to see poverty eliminated in the US, a culture where jails are not needed, older people who are taken care of and people who stand up and say no when corporations (especially those in charge of food) take actions that harm our health and our Earth. I want to be proud of the country I live in. Maybe we should read more about the Native Americans. I read a little yesterday about the way they raise children and about how they view the world and each other and I think it would be better to follow some of their wisdom. 

Religion has caused the deaths of uncounted millions through wars. Religion has prevented people who need to learn to live with each other from learning to do so (e.g. the Middle East). Religion fosters an us/them mentality where "they" are always the responsible party.

f religious war is ever to become unthinkable for us, in the way that slavery and cannibalism seem poised to, it will be a matter of our having dispensed with the dogma of faith.
--Sam Harris

I, for one, fear that if we don't subject religion to such scrutiny now, and work out together whatever revisions and reforms are called for, we will pass on a legacy of ever more toxic forms of religion to our descendants.
--Daniel C. Dennett

Innocent children are being saddled with demonstrable falsehoods," he says. "It's time to question the abuse of childhood innocence with superstitious ideas of hellfire and damnation. Isn't it weird the way we automatically label a tiny child with its parents' religion?
--Richard Dawkins

Remember to be gentle and kind to others, but especially 

with yourself. Remember that money and possessions are 

not everything. Remember that kindness and love are 


Tuesday, January 1, 2013


We see advertisements EVERYWHERE, on our phones, tvs, trucks, buses, mail, blah blah. We see them everywhere. How annoying are they really? 

(Physical aspect) +Female Fitness Models +Self Esteem Network 

You know when you have that day and your feeling so down. Bloated, fat whatever you are feeling. And your bumming out sitting in front of the tv and there it is. The wonderful Victoria Secret commercial, or you get up check the mail and boom there it is that Victoria Secret Catalog. +Victorias Secret Angels.

Even for the little girls watching Justin Bieber. What does this show them, hes drooling over this pretty girl with this perfect body.

I mean don't get me wrong I'm not "hating on them" I wish i could get my body to look like that. 

You know when I'm forced to watch football or baseball and the commercial comes on and I'm awkwardly sitting next to my boyfriend wondering whats going on in his head. 

So what do you do? Change the channel, throw out the magazine? Cry, hope, dream, wish? 

Then you have the other side, the people who go all crazy who love this. Girls who obsess over it. Who cant wait for the VS fashion show. What side do you take?

Personally I don't get offended or upset over this. Take it as a challenge or as a goal. We all know that we aren't one of them. But who says you cant get your butt up and try to get into the best shape you can so you can walk around and feel sexy in your own skin?

(Emotional Aspect) 
+Depression Treatment+Help for Depression +Zoloft Lawsuit  

Now throw your self back on that couch. You had a bad day at work/school. Got into a fight with someone, argument nothing to extreme but it ruined your day. You feel sad? Don't worry the best ads on tv will help you self diagnose. WE all see those ads. And what do they say. Feeling sad? Depressed? On the verge of crying. Go talk to your Dr. about ____. So what do you do .. you see this.. think hey i have those symptoms I'm depressed i should go talk to my Dr. You make an appointment you wait for that appointment his entire time your waiting you have it in your head that you must be depressed. You also remember that one line. May increase suicidal thoughts. You never had these thoughts and all of a sudden they are in your head. Now what.. worried about these thoughts? You sit and think. Am i really suicidal ... and the topic just goes on and on in your head. 
Had to throw this in for a joke.. lighten the mood


Babble de babblezz

SO, we all know that one person who does NOTHING but babble!!!! Thats me!! I can find the most random something and babble on about it for the longest time. This is my space for my babbling. Feel free to join in!!

Happy 2013 to all!!!!!!